How to write ielts essay
Political Science Research Papers
Monday, August 24, 2020
International Human Rights and Islamic Law Essay
Universal Human Rights and Islamic Law - Essay Example Practically all the countries that are either Islamic in nature, or have a solid Islamic nearness inside their populace, have sooner or later of time entered reservations. Among these, a few states have entered their reservations by refering to the Sharia law, while different states have based these reservations by classifying the Sharia as ‘domestic family law’. Such high number of reservations depicts the presence of a dispute that relates straightforwardly to the women’s laws relating to human rights, while likewise in a roundabout way identifying with the hypothesis and practice of the universal human rights law. This contention subsequently features a face to face showdown between the possibility of universalism of human rights; and the supposed ‘cultural relativism.’ Even an easygoing look at the reservations will give us that some of them that refer to the Islamic Sharia laws, are totally at peculiarity with the exceptionally nature and goal of the Convention, and frequently subverts the essential objective that means to the expel different types sexual orientation inclination and acquire equivalent status for every single person, independent of whether he is a male or a female. In my article I will inspect the strain that emerges from the specific state parties’ reservations to CEDA
Saturday, August 22, 2020
National Debt an Example of the Topic Economics Essays by
National Debt by Expert Prof J.F | 16 Dec 2016 National obligation is additionally called government obligation or Public obligation. National obligation can be portrayed as the cash an administration (focal, bureaucratic, city or neighborhood government) owes. Governments in ordinary conditions are upheld by citizens cash; the citizens involve individuals the administration speaks to. Along these lines any obligation any administration owes can be viewed as a backhanded obligation to the citizens. At the point when a legislature spends more than it charges it runs a shortfall consequently amassing obligation over the time since it powers the administration to obtain from inside or outside. Need exposition test on National Debt theme? We will compose a custom exposition test explicitly for you Continue Government obligation can be separated into two: inside obligation and outside obligation. Interior obligation is cash owed to banks that are inside the nation. Outside obligation then again is the obligation the administration owes remote moneylenders. The administrations regularly obtains by giving protections in type of government bonds or sovereign bonds and bills that structure what are called treasury protections or protections that the legislature acquires from the national bank. Now and then deceptive and hard-squeezed governments may fall back on obtaining from business banks. Government obligation can likewise be characterized by the reimbursement time frame that the specific obligation takes. There is transient obligation, long haul obligation and medium term obligation. Momentary obligation is typically one year and less, long haul obligation is 10 years and more while medium term obligation falls in the middle of the two. Cash creation The way toward delivering or giving cash is named as cash creation. Cash is regularly made in 2 different ways. Assembling of physical cash in a mint. This envelops production of coins and notes (paper cash) Through advancing out the physical cash a few times by what is named as fragmentary save loaning. Making of cash by mint Printing of cash can be arranged into serious or nationalized. At the point when the printing is serious it implies that contending producers are good to go of assembling coins. The mints initially need to buy billion from the billion markets. A billion is best portrayed as mass valuable metals that are utilized for coin fabricate. Immaculateness and mass are the basic parts of the billion as opposed to the presumptive worth. When they purchase the billion the mints fabricate coins out of it, which they use to pay for their creation costs and hold some benefit. Then again, nationalized printing is the place a specific government hoards coin producing. In this framework the administration possesses and works mint that have the obligation of creating coinage for the national framework. Nationalized printing can either be stamping with an option to trade or can be printing with no option to trade. Production of cash through functional save framework Cash multiplier is the most well-known cash creating component. This component by and large estimates the level by which a business banking framework builds the degree of cash gracefully. Central banks assume the job of controlling the measure of cash that the framework makes. The national bank does this by putting save proportions on the business banks. These proportions set the essential stores extent the banks are required to hold as save qualifier. The save proportion is a significant factor since it keeps banks from producing extreme measure of cash that would hurt the economy of the nation and furthermore it shields the banks from money deficiencies when enormous stores are pulled back. Universal Trade Universal Trade as the name proposes is the trading of merchandise and enterprises between one nation and another. It can likewise be characterized as exchange across global limits. Brokers in a universal set up can be ordered either as exporters or shippers. The predecessor to worldwide exchange was trade frameworks or exchanges where products and other significant things were traded The components that incredibly energize universal exchange incorporate lower creation costs on one nation instead of another, which implies merchandise and enterprises from one district are less expensive. Another factor is the accessibility of specific ventures in a specific district that isn't accessible in another, this implies a specific area has the limit and capacity to create certain products and enterprises in a particular way on account of the accessibility of trend setting innovation. Additionally need or overflow of regular assets assumes a significant job in worldwide exchange. Universal Trade is a significant segment of financial matters and can be viewed as the Engine that runs most countries and contributes incredibly to GDP of most nations. Notwithstanding worldwide exchange must nations would be constrained to the merchandise and ventures that are just accessible inside the nation itself, this obviously would fundamentally make the development of numerous economies come to a standstill. Universal exchange has kept on developing and change particularly with the progression of innovation and maybe the most recent mechanical headway that has affected the exchange essentially is the Internet, which has transformed the world into a little worldwide town. Works Cited A Glossary of Political Economy Terms: Retrieved on 28th February 2008 Retrieved on 28th February 2008 Reem Heakal : What Is International Trade? Retrieved on 28th February 2008
Sunday, July 19, 2020
How Long Does Lortab Stay in Your System
How Long Does Lortab Stay in Your System Addiction Drug Use Opioids Print How Long Does Lortab Stay in Your System? Lortab in Your Blood, Urine, Hair, Saliva By Buddy T facebook twitter Buddy T is an anonymous writer and founding member of the Online Al-Anon Outreach Committee with decades of experience writing about alcoholism. Learn about our editorial policy Buddy T Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on January 23, 2020 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on February 10, 2020 Mladen Zivkovic/ Getty Images More in Addiction Drug Use Opioids Cocaine Heroin Marijuana Meth Ecstasy/MDMA Hallucinogens Prescription Medications Alcohol Use Addictive Behaviors Nicotine Use Coping and Recovery In This Article Table of Contents Expand How Long Does It Take to Feel Effects? How Long Does Lortab Last? Factors That Affect Detection Time How to Get Lortab Out of Your System Symptoms of Overdose Getting Help View All Back To Top Lortab is a combination drug prescribed to relieve moderate to severe pain. It combines the opiate hydrocodone with acetaminophen (Lortab) or with aspirin (Lortab ASA). Similar hydrocodone-acetaminophen combination products include Anexsia, Anolor DH, Lorcet, Norco, Vicodin, and Zydone. The main difference between these medications is the amounts of hydrocodone and acetaminophen contained in one dose. Drugs that contain hydrocodone like Lortab are classified as Schedule II drugs, meaning they are considered to have a high potential for misuse, with use potentially leading to severe psychological or physical dependence. While this medication is in your system, you are at risk for drug interactions and overdoses. Knowing how long Lortab is present in the body can help you understand and avoid these risks. How Long Does Lortab Stay in Your System? Blood: Up to 24 hoursUrine: Up to three daysSaliva: Up to three daysHair: Up to 90 days Hydrocodone/Acetaminophen for Treating Pain How Long Does It Take to Feel Effects? Lortab is taken as an oral tablet, so the drug must first pass through the digestive system before it takes effect. The acetaminophen component of Lortab is absorbed rapidly from the gastrointestinal tract and start having pain-relieving effects within 30 minutes. The hydrocodone in Lortab acts more slowly, but usually begins working within 30 to 60 minutes of ingestion. The package insert for Lortab suggests that following a 10mg oral dose, the hydrocodone component reaches peak blood concentration levels 1.3 hours after ingestion.?? The pain-relieving effects usually last between four and six hours. How Long Does Lortab Last? Determining exactly how long Lortab is active or detectable in the body depends on many variables. The acetaminophen in Lortab has a half-life in the blood of about one and a quarter to three hours. This is the time in which half of it is no longer acting in your system. The exact half-life can vary depending on a number of factors, including how well your liver functions. Hydrocodone is processed by the liver and broken down into metabolites including hydromorphone and norhydrocodone. Approximately 85% of a single dose is eliminated through urine within 24 hours.?? Hydrocodone has a half-life of about four hours; it takes five to six half-lives to eliminate most of the drug from your system. That said, hydrocodone can be detected in the urine for up to three days. If you take a urine drug screen while you are taking Lortab, it is likely to test positive for opiates. Be sure to disclose your medications to the testing laboratory so they can interpret your test accurately. Urine Lortab will show up on the standard drug screenings that are commonly administered in employment, forensic, and medical settings. It is detectable by urine tests for up to three days after last use, although individual detection windows can vary depending on factors including metabolism and frequency of use. Blood Blood tests are used less frequently than urine screenings. While the detection windows are much shorter, blood tests may be used in some cases to help confirm an unexpected positive result on a urine test. Blood tests can usually only detect the presence of hydrocodone for up to 24 hours after the last dose. Saliva Hydrocodone is detectable in oral fluid for up to three days after the last dose of Lortab. Like urine tests, saliva tests are fairly non-invasive and inexpensive to administer. However, Lortab can also cause side effects such as dry mouth, which can impact the ability to collect an adequate sample. Hair As with other substances, the hydrocodone component of Lortab is detectable through a hair follicle test for as long as 90 days. Hair tests are not normally part of a standard drug screen but may be used in some cases to evaluate past drug use. False Positive Testing While a useful, simple, and inexpensive tool, immunoassay urine drug screens can return false-positive results. Quinolone antibiotics such as levofloxacin and ofloxacin can cause a false-positive opiate screening.?? The consumption of poppy seeds can cause a false positive test result for opiates. While only present in trace amounts, poppy seeds do contain enough codeine and morphine to show up on enzyme immunoassay (EIA) tests that are often used in workplace and medical drug screenings.?? Certain medications, including allergy drugs containing diphenhydramine and doxylamine, can also produce false positives for opiates. Tell the testing lab about any medications that you are currently taking or if you have consumed poppy seeds in any form so that they are able to accurately interpret your test results. Factors That Affect Detection Time It is important to remember that the above detection windows are just estimates. There are a number of different variables that can influence how long Lortab will remain in your system. Age The prescribing information for Lortab suggests that there is not enough research on whether the drug affects the elderly differently.?? However, since the drug is excreted primarily by the kidneys and because older adults are more likely to have decreased renal function, this may mean that the drug stays in an older persons system for a longer period of time. Metabolism Overall metabolism plays a critical role in determining how long a substance remains in the body. People with faster metabolisms tend to process substances more quickly, while those with slower metabolisms may have slower clearance rates. Fluid Intake Because Lortab is excreted primarily by the kidneys, the amount of fluid you take in can impact how quickly the drug is flushed out of your body. It can also impact how detectable substances are by diluting the amount that is in your urine. Liver and Kidney Function Hydrocodone and acetaminophen are both processed by the liver and excreted by the kidneys, so decreased hepatic or renal function can extend how long these substances remain in your system. Dosage and Duration of Use The amount of Lortab you are taking and how long you have been taking it also plays a major role in how long it can be detected in your body. It takes longer for higher doses to clear your system. If you have been taking Lortab for a while, it may build up in the tissues of your body, making it detectable for a longer period of time. Other Medications and Substances Alcohol and other substances can interact with hydrocodone and acetaminophen in Lortab and extend the detection time of these substances. Because your body may be trying to process multiple substances at the same time, it can slow down your bodys ability to effectively metabolize and excrete each substance. In particular, drugs that affect the pathway cytochrome P450 3A (CYP3A) make it more difficult for your body to process and clear hydrocodone.?? How to Get Lortab Out of Your System There are some reasons why you might want to get Lortab out of your system more quickly, such as if you are planning to switch to different medications or taking another medication containing acetaminophen or hydrocodone. Making sure that you are well hydrated, eating a healthy diet, and getting regular exercise may help improve your bodys ability to metabolize and eliminate your medications more efficiently. The first step to eliminating Lortab from your system is to stop taking it, but you should always talk to your doctor before you take this step. Symptoms of Overdose One reason that it is important to know how long Lortab remains in the system is its potential to interact with other drugs. If the pain-killing effects of Lortab wear off, but the drug is still in the system, an overdose is possible if you take more of the drug or another drug containing the same ingredients too soon. The following are some of the symptoms that can occur with a Lortab overdose: Difficulty breathingSlowed or stopped breathingExcessive sleepinessSpasms of the stomach or intestinal tractDizzinessFaintingLimp or weak musclesLiver failureNarrowing or widening of the pupilsCold, clammy skinSeizuresSlow or stopped heartbeatStomach and intestinal spasmsBlue color of skin, fingernails, lipsLoss of consciousness or coma If You Suspect an Overdose Seek immediate medical help. Do not make the person vomit unless specifically told to do so by poison control (1-800-222-1222), a health care professional, or 911.It would be helpful to provide the following information if you can. Dont delay in calling for help to gather it, however:The persons age, weight, and health condition(s)Name of the product taken (ingredients and strength, if known)The time it was swallowedAmount swallowedIf the medication was prescribed for the patient Understanding Opioid Overdoses Overdose Treatment If someone experiencing a suspected Lortab overdose is taken to the emergency room, their vital signsâ€"including temperature, pulse, breathing rate, and blood pressureâ€"will be monitored closely and their symptoms treated as appropriate. How well the overdose victim recovers will depend on how much of the drug they took and how quickly treatment was administered. The sooner they receive medical help, the better the prognosis. The prompt administration of the opioid-blocking drug naloxone (Narcan) can often reverse the overdose symptoms quite dramatically. How to Help Someone If They Overdose on Opioids Risk of Drug Interactions Taking Lortab carries the risk of dangerous interactions with a number of different substances including alcohol and other prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) drugs. You must not drink alcohol, take any medication containing alcohol, or use street drugs while you are taking Lortab or you risk life-threatening reactions. You should carefully review the list of the non-prescription and prescription drugs that you take (preferably with your doctor or pharmacist) to look for acetaminophen or paracetamol on the label. Interactions With Hydrocodone Some medications can interact with the hydrocodone in Lortab to produce breathing problems, sedation, or coma. You should avoid benzodiazepines, including Xanax (alprazolam), Librium (chlordiazepoxide), Klonopin (clonazepam), Diastat (diazepam), Valium (diazepam), Ativan (lorazepam), Restoril (temazepam), Halcion (triazolam), and others. Muscle relaxants, sedatives, sleeping pills, tranquilizers, and medicines for mental illness or nausea are also some of the drugs that interact with hydrocodone. Interactions With Other Acetaminophen-Containing Drugs While acetaminophen is found in over-the-counter products like Tylenol and some OTC cold and flu preparations, it has a narrow safety range. If you take more than 4000 milligrams in a day, you risk irreversible liver damage and even death. Often, people who have experienced this type of liver injury report that they didnt realize how much acetaminophen they were getting in aggregate from a variety of over-the-counter and prescription drugs. Combination drugs like Lortab are now limited to no more than 325mg of acetaminophen per tablet, capsule, or dosage unit to help prevent a dangerous overdose, but you should still take care to avoid any other medications containing acetaminophen while taking Lortab. Getting Help Taking Lortab can lead to physical dependence, even if you take your medication as directed. When your body becomes dependent on a drug, you need to continue taking it in order to avoid experiencing unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. Always talk to your doctor if you want to decrease your dose or stop taking Lortab. Symptoms of opioid withdrawal can include: Runny noseMuscle achesFatigueChillsSweatingVomitingDiarrhea These symptoms can feel like having the flu and usually lasts for about five to seven days. When stopping Lortab, your doctor may want to gradually reduce your dose, a process known as tapering, in order to minimize these symptoms. If you think you may be dependent or addicted to Lortab or other opioid medications, talk to your doctor about your treatment options. Your doctor can help you stop taking your medication safely, manage your withdrawal symptoms, and find other pain relief options. Inpatient and outpatient services are also available that can help support your long-term recovery. If you need help finding treatment services in your area, reach out to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) at 1-800-662-4357 or try their online treatment locator. Treatment for Opioid Addiction
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Euthanasia . Your Elderly Grandmother Had Recently Contracted
Euthanasia Your elderly grandmother had recently contracted a ruthless disease which rendered her terminally ill. She has now only have a few weeks left of life but she is considering the option of euthanasia as an ultimatum for the near future. She wishes to die with dignity but most of her family members don’t support her. Would you? Voluntary euthanasia has to be legalised because not only do humans have the right to live, they also have the right to die. There are numerous arguments as to why euthanasia is moral and needs to be law. Euthanasia, being a controversial subject of debate, seemingly meddles with human’s essential right to live but what anti-euthanasia enthusiasts fail to realise is that our life as humans suggests†¦show more content†¦A difference in interest can potentially lead to a conflict between interests so it is our responsibility as humans to ensure the resolution of conflicts without the transgression of one’s essential human rights. Hu man rights are fundamental and are lawfully set as a main importance therefore the violation of one’s fundamental rights can be seriously penalised. Not only does euthanasia protect self-hood, it also defends human dignity. Self-determination is a strongly important aspect that makes us human. It is the capacity to decide for ourselves and determine our fate as individual human beings. Imagine a life like your elderly grandmother; terminally ill, unable to think for yourself, move or even breathe. Your ability to perform basic tasks is rid of thus also removing your ability of self-determination. Without the existence of self-determination comes the disappearance of one’s self. Our own â€Å"self â€Å"is procured as we progress through life from our decisions and experiences; the existence of the said â€Å"self†is the foundation of our human dignity. If we go back to your grandmother and input the elements of unbearable pain to the point where they would rather be dead than suffer. If this persists, the said person will gradually lose their own â€Å"self†and ability to self-determine. They will forget themselves and the only vivid memory they will have is the constant excruciating pain they will be in. Screaming for pain would notShow MoreRelatedHsm 542 Week 12 Discussion Essay45410 Words  | 182 Pagesdiscussion topics. Then, click Respond to add your thoughts to the discussion thread. | Topics Introductions (not graded, but required) | Intentional Torts in Healthcare (graded) | Most Pressing Ethical Issues (graded) | Q A Forum (not graded) | | Intentional Torts in Healthcare (graded) | Select one of the intentional torts discussed in your text and provide an example of how this tort takes place in healthcare. As leader of your own healthcare facility, what steps could you
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
North Star Community Services Program - 1422 Words
The organization I volunteered for this project was North Star Community Services. North Star is a non-profit rehabilitative service agency that provides adult day services and supported community living services so individuals with disabilities have a better opportunity to live enriched lives within the community. The organization s mission statement is â€Å"North Star Community Services empowers each person to realize potential, pursue dreams, and enjoy life†. The agency serves people of all different ages, backgrounds and disabilities. From my observation, the adults that I met at North Star dealt a very wide variety disabilities ranging from Autism all the way to Schizophrenia. The agency is broken down into four different programs, Adult Day Habilitation Services, Supported Community Living Services, Newel Post Senior Adult Day Respite Services, and Canterbury Center Head Injury Program. I spent my whole time at North Star volunteering in the Day Habilitation Services program working with older adults and others with disabilities trying maintenance there independence and avoid premature nursing home placement for these individuals. I worked directly with these disabled individuals each day and tried to help out in any possible way I could to get the most out of my experience. At North Star each day they would have different educational and fun activities for adults, for example the first day we started off with a craft activity, making tissue Christmas trees andShow MoreRelatedClient Engagement Essay Example818 Words  | 4 Pages social media platforms such as Facebook and Linkedin, and partnering events with in th e surrounding East Los Angeles community. The foundation has utilizes the feedback it has received from the college, students, departments, and partners in establishing a variety of programs. 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Production Lay-outs Free Essays
Product layout or assembly line is designed to handle products that are manufactured using specialized machines in an assembly line (Product lay-out). Each line is designed to address specific requirements of a product line in a sequential manner. There is a smooth flow of production (i. We will write a custom essay sample on Production Lay-outs or any similar topic only for you Order Now e. conveyor-supported) from one specialized machine to another which is desirable in mass production where demand is predictable while volumes are high. This type of layout, therefore, is fitted in producing consumer products for a general market rather than producing for several segments of the market. The advantages of the product layout are its order and efficient processes that can lead to faster customer response and less demand on lead times. It also promotes cheap labor because skill requirements are low that causes relaxation of high salaries. Although this layout is efficient and easy to use, it is highly inflexible because a change in one assembly line can lead bottleneck in its production. Further, in product development, acquiring a whole new set of machines and working area is necessary to address specific requirements of the product. When demand is low, the assets can be underutilized. As it produces ships and airplanes, fixed position layout is a technique applied to vulnerable, hard-to-move and specialized products (Layout and Flow). Factors of production (e.g. labor, machine, equipments and tools) are required to meet in a single production location to handle manufacturing tasks there. It is customary to leave machines in the site when not used to prevent breakage or damaged in addition to the costly transportation required for pull-out and getting back to the site. Further, to minimize the high capital in acquiring new machines, most companies are using contractual leases because their use of the machines is under limited time frame. Its advantages are reduced movement of machines that aids in minimizing risk of damage or lost and continuity of processes because the need for re-planning is reduced as people meet in one place. However, some of its disadvantages include are higher salaries as workers must have specific skills to finish the project, movement of people/ machines to site can be very costly and idle machines can have low utilization because they remain idle rather use for productive means when the production is at cease. Unlike fixed position, functional or process layout distinguish the work group into different departments that give rise to different and distinct workstations (Facility layout). As production is intermittent and batched, functional layout is compatible in serving different market segments that have highly differentiated needs. Compared to product layout, volumes are considerably low while the demand can fluctuate considerably from one period to another. There is specialization in functional layout such as separation of men, women and children’s clothes in a department store. Machines in this layout are for general use while workers are knowledgeable on how to operate machines within their station. The advantage of this layout is opposite the disadvantage of product layout (i.e. flexibility) while the vice versa is also true (i.e. functional layout is inefficient). Disadvantages such as backtracking, bottlenecks and delays are common. Further, the storage rooms for raw materials are huge while inventories of the finished products are low because they are immediately delivered to customers. The critical issue to consider in this layout is to find the relationship of each station to machine centers to establish a more space-efficient design between them. To address the issue to space-efficiency between stations and machine centers, cellular layout is idealized to combine the advantages of product and functional layouts (i.e. efficiency and flexibility). Cells represent a workstation that produces similar customer requirements. A machine that cannot be allocated in space is strategically located between cells that require machine processing to create a point of use. The usual design is that the assembly line is observed in producing components and parts while process layout take-over the relationship of each component-producing cell. With the use of information systems, locating cells and identifying idle machines can be easily carried out. Resulting to substantial paperwork to maintain the cellular layout, workers can also operate machines within their departments like functional layout. Its advantages are reduction in material handing and transit time, minimal set-up time, minimized work-in-progress, efficient use of human capital, control and automation. On the other hand, it can have backlash such as absence of sufficient number of part stations to create cells, imbalanced cells, more training and strict allocation of workers and increased capital expenditure. Justification of the most appropriate layout Although challenging to establish, the current environment and production needs of Manychip should use cellular layout. First, its plant and sales channels are located in developed economies where quality and expensive human resources are dwelling. Second, it operates in a highly volatile demand that can be easily affected by environmental changes that flexibility is required to prevent cost associated with over-forecasting. Third, it is carrying only six main memory chip products which likely have significant similarities in design and internal parts. This will enable creation of cells because the number of stations is sufficient. Fourth, its operations in asset-intensive while its depreciation can significantly affect its profitability. When cellular layout is adopted, assembly lines can efficiently produce component parts for the six product lines which will prevent idle machines. On the other hand, functional layout are flexible that can be applied when orders are placed and products are ready for final assembly. Fifth, the production of Manychip requires high lead times which can be minimized when applied with cellular manufacturing as components are ready to undergo assembly once order is in place. On having greater agility, Manychip will not loose quality systems because specific stations are under stand-by mode that can be called if random quality test is necessary. With the consideration of the three conditions, approval of cellular layout is very necessary. Different components can create cells, the administrative group can act like a quality group in which case a station can be brought up for them near their respective process interests and shipment in different geographical location can be addressed by timely delivery of products. However, Manychip must consider that substantial funding is required to establish a hybrid strategy such as cellular manufacturing. It must also monitor its product development programs to prevent dissolution of important cells. References Product lay-out (unknown). UWM. Available  [Accessed on 6 August 2007] Facility layout (unknown). SNC. Available from ;; [Accessed on 6 August 2007] Layout and Flow (1997). Pearsoned. Available [Accessed on 6 August 2007] ; ; ; How to cite Production Lay-outs, Essay examples
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Overpopulation in the Philippines Essay Example
Overpopulation in the Philippines Paper Overpopulation is and should be everyones concern. Its not something that we should blame only on the poor or the government or especially only on those who have seemingly taken Gods directive to go forth and multiply to heart. It has been a politically perceived issue that there is over population in the Philippines. This issue has been constantly blamed for the aggravating poverty situation. One side is claiming that unbridled population increase is putting so much strain on the financial and food resources of the country that more and more Filipinos are no longer dating three square meals a day. Economic rating system is also stating a poor Filipino family is earning just below $1 per day. This certainly can hardly feed a family of 4 or more. On the other side, it is claimed that the cause of poverty is government corruption. They rightfully claim that while true that the poor are constantly increasing, and that the income gap between them and the next economic level is likewise widening, financial resources that are intended to support the poor are being pocketed by corrupt government officials. Population is not the cause of poverty, corruption is, the Catholic Church claims. The government is keen on crafting remedies to curb population. Several laws have been passed to curb corruption. But since they lack heavy punitive measures, they became hardly effective. Corruption has already downgraded the countrys economic standing that adversely affected our capability to borrow money from credit or financial institutions, particularly the International Monetary Fund (MIFF) and World Bank. So the government resorted to drafting a bill that drew the ire of the conservative and the Catholic Church. Foremost is the reproductive health bill, which was tutored by Senator Pip Cetacean and Congressman Educe Legman. We will write a custom essay sample on Overpopulation in the Philippines specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Overpopulation in the Philippines specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Overpopulation in the Philippines specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The bill underwent rough sailing on the legislative seas. Thesis Statement Philippines and other nations have a clear choice today. They can continue to ignore the population problem and their own massive contributions to it. Then they will be trapped in a downward spiral that may well lead to the end Of civilization in a few decades. More frequent droughts, more damaged crops and famines, more dying forests, more smog, more international conflicts, more epidemics, more gridlock, more drugs, more crime, more sewage swimming, and other extreme unpleasantness will mark our course. It is a route already traveled by too many of our less fortunate fellow human beings. The major role of the government is to provide a high standard of living for its people. This can be attained through higher levels of investments which generate employment and production, and through the equitable distribution of wealth and income. Plans, policies and programs are tools of economic development. These can only operate efficiently under regime of good and honest public administration.
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